Campaign Priorities
Chris Reddy is a life-long resident of CT, proud father of three children, and currently resides in Scotland. He was a paramedic/ first responder in CT for over 25 years, and most of his career was spent serving the communities and people in Eastern CT.
Chris is campaigning on a platform of fiscal responsibility, accountability and will support legislation that drives down the cost of living and doing business, reduces utility costs and looks to lower the tax burden on everyday people and businesses of every size in Eastern CT by promoting a smaller, less-intrusive state government.
Top Campaign Priorities:
While looking to ease burdensome state mandates and overregulation, Chris will advocate for legislation that helps small businesses to thrive, hire and retain good, qualified workers.
With so many of us that struggling under the weight of this economy, it becomes difficult to choose just a few legislative priorities, but here are a few highlights:
1- Energy policy- All eyes are currently on Electric rates, because of the devastating effects that poor long-term planning has on our personal and business budgets. We must stop putting bandages on these gaping wounds and work to create better policy. Chris will advocate for separating PURA from DEEP, promote transparency in utility bills, and advocate for capping of all future Power Purchase Agreements, which includes the addition of nuclear and river hydro-electric to class 1 renewable energy sources. Chris will stand with his colleagues in Hartford to fight for the removal of public policy charges from electric bills and move them instead to the state budget, thereby making legislators accountable for the policy changes enacted.
2- Local Control- Our local elected officials are the best positioned to make the choices that are most beneficial for our individual communities. These “one-size-fits-all” statewide policy models don’t work for the unique landscape of the Northeast corner. These blanket mandates send our money and resources to Hartford so they can reallocate some of it to us in the way that big government sees fit, through limited grant funding and special bonding.
Our local housing and zoning laws must remain local, and we cannot allow the big cities to dictate what happens in our smaller, more rural towns. Chris will reject unfavorable regionalization efforts and will advocate for keeping local dollars and local decisions right here in our towns. Our local governmental operations are increasingly subject to big city mandates increasing our costs, burdening our resources and bankrupting our communities.
These onerous government mandates extend into our homes, our schools, our medical decisions and our wallets. Chris will support legislation that makes sense, promotes personal responsibility and does not deviate from our constitutional principles.
3- Public Safety/ Crime- Drawing from his decades of experience as a First Responder, Chris has a personal perspective on the issues faced in maintaining community safety. Low staffing numbers/ decreased recruitment, increased costs and state mandated regulations, the difficulty in retaining career first responders are important concerns. The increase in violent and criminal activity, street takeovers, homelessness and substance abuse in CT are priorities that need to be addressed. Providing first responders with the legislative tools to properly perform their duties is paramount to public safety.
Chris will work tirelessly with the leaders in Eastern CT to advocate for stronger and safer communities, supporting policies that actually work for the hard-working people of the 29th District. And notably, Chris will be available to hear concerns of the residents at any time, not just during election season.
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Paid For By Reddy For CT Senate,
William Jenkins Treasurer. Approved By Chris Reddy.